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Sunday, August 2, 2009

Siebel Reports for Partners

Intended Audience:
Sales organization employees, call center employees, field sales and service employees, channel partners, channel managers, purchasing department, and management.
Unit of Measure: Registered User

Product Description:
The Siebel Reports allows partners to schedule, run in batch and interactive modes, and distribute reports using an easy to use and intuitive user interface. Partner users can choose to queue reports to run periodically at a pre-determined time, or to better utilize computing resources by having particularly long reports run at off-peak times. They may also share the reports within the organization and with external organizations. Siebel Reports Server 7 can be deployed in Windows, Solaris, and AIX platforms.

Product Requirements, Restrictions and Dependencies
• Siebel Reports is required for the Web Client users. Pricing Requirements
• Siebel Reports is an integration of Actuate eReporting Server, which is a royalty bearing third-party product. Therefore, this product may not be discounted more than 80%.
• Can only be sold with Siebel Partner Portal
Key Functionality
• Generate and view pre-built reports interactively from Siebel Application views. Run reports interactively or schedule them to run at off-peak times. Users can access reports via the web browser and grant others permission to view. The report viewer supports navigation, search, and email functions. Administrative users may create new reports and customize pre-built reports.

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