Partner Applications Module in Siebel CRM 7
Siebel Partner Portal
Robust web application enabling partner users to access critical information and tools to transact business with the brand owner (vendor) and common customers. Siebel Partner Portal provides a comprehensive, web-based partner portal designed to support all partner activities. The Siebel Partner Portal allows partners to access critical information and tools necessary to transact business with the brand owner and their customers.
Siebel Partner Commerce
Commerce add-on to Siebel Partner Portal enables partners to access critical information and tools to transact business with the brand owner (vendor) and common customers.
Siebel Reports for Partners
The Siebel Reports allows partners to schedule, run in batch and interactive modes, and distribute reports using an easy to use and intuitive user interface. Partner users can choose to queue reports to run periodically at a pre-determined time, or to better utilize computing resources by having particularly long reports run at off-peak times. They may also share the reports within the organization and with external organizations.
Siebel SmartScript for Partners
Siebel SmartScript for Partners gives partners a way of walking through structured questions to arrive at answers.
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